Promotion with Integrity is Loving

Promotion with Integrity is Loving


Promotion with integrity is loving: The heart is associated with the color emerald, like this gem by, and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by, Irvin Calicut. This image has been cropped, and was accessed using Creative Commons Search.

Promotion with Integrity is Loving


The shocking thing about promoting your work is that it’s loving.

That’s easy to forget, amid the fear, boredom, and powerlessness we can feel when we approach promoting our work.

But we’ve worked through these in the first three posts of this series and found the antidote to each of them inside you: safety, creativity, and power.  (Click on the colors for each post.)

The Core is the Heart

Now we are at the mid-point in our series, the core. “Core” is Latin for “heart.” We have come to the heart of promotion with integrity: Love.

Why do our work at all, and why promote it, if not for love?

Love of

  • our work
  • ourselves
  • our purpose
  • our families we support with our work
  • our clients, patients, customers– “soul-colleagues,” I call them.

The heart of the matter is love. How you show love is your business. (Literally!)

RAISING CLARITY is safe space for love. Active love. Clear love. Loving abundance.

How you show love is also your brand. Remember and clarify: your purpose was love in the first place, and will be love in the last place.

Why not promote with love right now?

Audio Guided Meditation

Click here for my 10-minute guided meditation bringing lovingness to your promotion of your work.


  1. Take love “time-outs”: Make a note, create a reminder, stick something where you’ll see it to remind you to re-center in your heart before you take a big leap at work or in promotion.
  2. You Are Love: you don’t have to find it or invent it. If you can’t remember where you put Yourself, don’t worry. Worrying you aren’t loving “correctly” can pull you farther from loving. Instead, notice what you are feeling. Confusion. Or despair. Or lostness. Or stress. Hang out for two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, and feel your heart softening.
  3. Write a thank-you note. This is such delicious selfishness it’s easy to forget the one you thank gets something out of it too! Gratitude opens our hearts. For a fun gratitude practice, see our post here. Or: Write a love-letter to your favorite client or clients. Publish your writing. You can even describe what you saw when you tried the audio meditation (below).

Feel free to write in a comment to this post and tell us what you learned,what you experienced. Love!

For all the posts in this series, click here.

To work with me, click here.

  • Pingback:Promotion with Integrity is Healed - RAISING CLARITY
    Posted at 10:23h, 21 March Reply

    […] really can come from within you. Do you need the wisdom of: rootedness? creativity? confidence? love? speaking your truth? […]

  • Leslie
    Posted at 12:43h, 03 July Reply

    Hmmm… thank you. Glad to have time to read your reflective and inspiring post. The love of the earth is what drives me.

    • Beth
      Posted at 13:51h, 03 July Reply

      Leslie, thank you! Love runs all through your CSA gardening work and providing food for me and others, your education programs in summer and school-year, your fundraising! and building program. It is soooo good to have your words here–and to know the holiday weekend perhaps provided time and space for you to just sit, and reflect.

  • Andrea Haynes
    Posted at 11:44h, 27 June Reply

    Thank you for your wisdom, Beth! Such a timely post for me – summer has been a time of reflection and questioning – and this post shone light onto the situation. My gratitude for it and bright blessings on you!

    • Beth
      Posted at 12:39h, 27 June Reply

      Andrea, thank you. The light of love is an unusual one; we often don’t think of it as incisive and helpful in reflection but rather warm and nurturing (only). Nurture can also help us reflect from that warm place. Thank you!

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